
Galactic Center Composite Proves Educational and Psychedelic

Via the Chandra X-Ray Observatory
Blue and violet represent the X-ray observations of Chandra. X-rays are emitted by gas heated to millions of degrees by stellar explosions and by outflows from the supermassive black hole in the galaxy's center. The bright blue blob on the left side of the full field image is emission from a double star system containing either a neutron star or a black hole.

Yellow areas represent the near-infrared of Hubble. They outline the energetic regions where stars are being born as well as reveal hundreds of thousands of stars.

And red represents the infrared observations of Spitzer. The radiation and winds from stars create glowing dust clouds that exhibit complex structures from compact, spherical globules to long, stringy filaments.
Collectively they give us the most dramatically trippy window into the heart of the milky way that has ever been captured.

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